Rambo (5 years), South Africa

This is Rambo (5 years), an Amstaff from South Africa, with his master Chella. He is a male but everyone always assumes he is a girl because of his nose!

He likes: Running, swimming in the ocean, his ball and most of all taking your things and running around with them just so that you would chase him!    

He doesn´t like: Motorbikes, people crying or getting hurt. But most uf all he dislikes the word “bath” – he would do almost anything to avoid it, but it has to be done daily and he always smells like a baby.

Fun fact: Rambo is part Pitbull but the most loving dog in the world. He would never hurt another animal and just collects them and puts them in his owner´s bed! So Chella has found cats, birds and crickets already in her bed  – all still alive but not allowed to move on her bed!!

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Rambo (5 years), South Africa Rambo (5 years), South Africa Rambo (5 years), South Africa