Vanilla (10 months), Malaysia

This is Vanilla (10 months) from Malaysia with her master Lynn. One does not know what breed she is as she is a rescued stray puppy, so most likely she is a Mongrel.

She likes: Cuddling and skin-to-skin contact

She doesn`t like: Any visitors to the house, and that´s why she will only hide in Lynn´s bedroom not coming out until the visitors left!

Fun fact:
She w
ill ask for a belly rub every time whenever Lynn finishes doing one action before doing another action.
Example, if she gets up from the bed, she needs to give her one belly rub; then Lynn continues to doing some work on her laptop. Then when she gets up from the work desk, Vanilla will ask for another belly rub again. After this belly rub, then she will ask again when Lynn finishes another action let’s say sweeping the floor. Vanilla will just sit next to her master with dropped ears, use her head to position Lynn´s hand on her head and ask for belly rub!