Wanna join?   Wanna join?   Wanna join?

Would you like to join my project? Hooooray!!!

I just need a picture of you and your dog!!
Oh, you mean you don’t have a nice picture of you two? Then this would be a good opportunity to do one, wouldn’t it?

Otherwise, what else do I need to know?

    1. Your first name and the name of your dog, and the country you are living in
    1. The breed, age and sex of your dog
    1. What does your dog like? (e.g. Cookies, swimming, listening to music etc.) 
    1. What does your dog dislike? (e.g. Bathing, the neighbor, staying alone etc.)
  1. Fun Fact (e.g. “He loves carriding so much that while driving he growls at you when you want to pet him!”)

That´s it! 🙂

And if you have your own social media channels, of course I can link them.
Just give me their name/URL.

Please send me all the information and the picture to join@dogsandtheirmasters.com